Science London 2009 – 2013

This is the archive of the activities of the London Branch of the British Science Association (known as Science London) between March 2009 to June 2013. You can also see photos from the various events during this period on Flickr.

The content on this site has no affiliation with the Science London(s) that have been in operation since early 2014, firstly as a branch of the BSA and currently a separate organisation.

They have/had web presences at, and and they inherited/use the Twitter and Facebook accounts of the original Science London.

This site is dedicated to everyone who helped out over the four years during which we created an organisation from scratch and ran 56 events (more than one a month) all voluntarily and in our spare time.

So thanks to (in no particular order) Laura, Katrin, Ben, Aditi, Steve, Katie, Sarah, Emily, Agnes, Rupert, Tom, Jay, Manisha, Jennifer, Holly, Yasmin, Dan, Supatra, Elena and everyone else I have forgotten.

If you have questions (or want adding to the list above) you should know who to contact.

This site is powered by WordPress.
Science London was part of the British Science Association